My 3rd Hand

My 3rd Hand
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Make a Cool Word Graphic from your blog

I was reading Joe Vitale's blog and saw the link to this really cool Word Cloud graphic creator.
It will take a URL of any website and turn it into a word cloud by using the actual words on your page.
This TOY is Cool because it takes the words that are used more frequently and gives them a bigger font size and then scrambles them all up and places them into a graphic that you can then use on your page or print and/or place in their Gallery for the world to see.
Of course if you think about it a bit there is a place on the gallery images for comments about your creation which you can get another link to your website!
After it creates your graphic, then you get to tweak it by making changes to the Font, Layout and Color Scheme.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Official Google Blog: A fresh take on the browser

Official Google Blog: A fresh take on the browser

Well, Google have definitely had their thinking caps on again with the emergence
of "Google Chrome", what's that you ask?

Google Chrome is a NEW Web Browser built from Open Source and that means to
you that when it gets out of the testing stages (in Beta now) it will be a new FREE
browser made to the specification of the people who are probably online Most of
Their Lives - the Google Team!

Look out for news on the release of the stable version of this browser because it
promises to be "The One" and it should be.

For now check out the comic book that Google has used to describe Chrome.

I will be keeping up with this one to be sure!

SpyFu - Made from the Words In This Blog