Continuing on the the theme of bandwidth issues I've been using this monitor from Rokario Software to keep a check on my bandwidth usage. It is a very cool little application that stays mostly in the system tray unless you want to watch the various amounts monitored like kb/sec incoming, kb/sec outgoing, traffic(transfer) this hour, (amount)downloaded today, uploaded today and traffic this month. You also get a daily log to see your past usage and compare data.
I've been determined to keep track of these issues since my run-in with the Broadband Rip-Offs that I mentioned in my last post!
The really cool thing, after all the different things you can monitor is the fact that you can use many different "looks" for the application and not only that, you also have the ability to create your own "look" and not just use it, but upload it to their website and let others use it too. Now, I know we all are not interested in going that far, but if you are it's very tempting and makes the whole application even more desirable.
Like I said I've been using this tool for a while now and have found it to be very informing, especially when I'm still having issues with connection speed and making sure I do not exceed any limits for any month. When you look at all the features and benefits you get from using this application and the fact that you can get it for FREE!! just make it a really valuable asset to my toolbox. do offer a Pro Version of Bandwidth Monitor 2 for $15.98 which has about 9 more options available, but if you are just looking for a personal application then go for the FREE Version.