My 3rd Hand

My 3rd Hand
You May Find This Handy!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Never Miss an eBay Bargain Again!

Never Miss an eBay Bargain Again!

The Auction Search software has proven to be effective for both eBay buyers and eBay sellers looking to find a bargain in the world's #1 auction site.

You can download your very own copy of The Auction Search for FREE!

Find auctions that are ending soon or Buy-It-Now listings that have just been added to eBay so that you know about bargains at just the right time to beat the competition!
For a limited time, you can download the Auction Search ($97 regular price) for FREE!

The Auction Search is the best piece of software I have ever used on eBay - and one of the few I have found targeted towards both eBay buyers AND eBay sellers!

It's so simple, so easy...and it Works!

I no longer have to spend time doing manual searches on eBay for items that I'm searching for.

I highly recommend this software ...Get it now!

Best of Success,

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Free Sales Page Graphics

Did you know that the key to a successful sales page ISN’T only about persuasive sales copy?
Sure, it can help a ton, but there is so much more to a profitable sales page than you could ever imagine.
You see, the trick is to draw attention to the more important areas of your sales page, such as your order button, benefits and even your autoresponder forms. If you're able to do this then you’re on the fast track to higher conversion rates.
Today I’ve got some fantastic news for you. Brent I. Turner, the world renowned direct response internet marketing graphic designer has put together a package of 20 FR|EE attention-grabbing graphics which you can use to instantly sky-rocket your conversion and signup rates. Go here to download them immediately: Enjoy!

Friday, August 04, 2006


I just got my hands on 8 Brand New Video Tutorials
on how to get tons of traffic from Google at no
cost, and I knew you could use this...

Kylie Hartman has released this 8 part series and
it wont cost you a dime to watch the COMPLETE

I Hope this helps!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Just when they thought I was Dead!

Yes, they thought I was Dead, but it was not to be!

Sounds like an opening to one of those flat foot detective movies, don't it?

Well, the good news is - I'm Back, and there is no gettin' rid of me know!
I've been occupying every FREE minute of my time learning how to get by in this world without going out to work for someone else every day for that miniscule pittance called pay from what some would call a J.O.B. (Just-Over-Broke)!

The whole reason I almost ended up dead was because of the stress related to that J.O.B., workin' for some S.O.B. (withheld)!!

I hope you can find some sense in these writings and believe me when I say -
You will always be able to come here and learn something new, especially when the price is FREE!

First, I am starting up my new website at and it will be loaded with ebooks, audios, scripts, graphics and more, I'm telling you this so you know that when I talk about 'knowing what I'm talking about', you know where I'm coming from! Enough about me.

Let's talk about you! You will find all sorts of tried and tested Free Stuff here, just make sure you tell your friends about it if it helps you, ok?

Right now for the next few days, the 15 Days of Summer Giveaway has just started and will go until the 15th Aug. 2006, I've been there and there are some really good FREEBIES in there, yours for the price of giving them your First Name and eMail address, not too much to ask!

Do yourself a favor and don't go trying to download everything on the site, because
1. You don't need it all
2. You will end up getting emails out the yingyang (you can unsubscribe any time without reason)
3. You may not have enough time or hard drive space!

Other than that, 'knock yerself out'.

15 Days Of Summer Giveaway

You Can Listen For Hours

"Michael Senoff Interviews"

This should be the name of this website, because it is exactly what the site is . A compelling, never before in one place collection of audio recordings put together by a guy who claims to be just like you and me!
Well this guy Michael Senoff, weather you like to believe it or not is 'not' out to grab yer money and run like so many other 'so-called' marketing gurus.

Michael, gives and gives and keeps on giving! His audio recordings just tell you the facts, mostly about copywriting and marketing, but the few that aren't, give you a better insight on things like how to get the most out of what you are listening to.

Listening to them in your car on your way to work or when you are doing things like jogging or doing your workout or even doing the housework is the best way I find to get the most out of them, and I really do enjoy them and I've learned so much in such a short time!

Simple to get, simple to listen to or read the transcripts, yes he supplies you with the transcripts also!

Michael Senoff will even send you a 61 hour CD in the post for FREE! Now you can't ask for more than that can you?

If you are at all interested in learning how to make your business or even life more profitable then just check it out, I guarantee that you will be impressed with what you find.

SpyFu - Made from the Words In This Blog