Just see how easy it is to get into this Vlogging phenomenon, just visit this website and you will see "How To Tutorials" for every step of the process. They are adding new tutorials all the time and you can get an RSS feed to let you know when they update their site, very cool!
I've been reading some newsletters recently and a lot of them are predicting the takeoff of Video Blogging this year like the recent explosion of regular blogging took off last year. I have to agree with these people as to the positive impact of this new format, the rate at which the Vlogging community is growing is awesome!
Why should you want to know about it? Well, if you get into it now while the numbers of users is just starting to grow, you will be able to see how many opportunities emerge from this for your online business and even for your personal use. I can think of several avenues it will take just while I'm writing this, can you?